Gem PR & Media

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Budgets, PR and planning

What I love most about what we do at Gem PR & Media is the variety of services and clients we offer and work with. We have had an awesome week, which has included putting to bed our first edition of SO magazine (one last proof and it’s off to the printers), working with our new client McKenzie Smith of INorupt and the launch of her new website, daily management of 30 social media accounts, finalizing plans for the Springfield Jaycees Beerfest, networking, business developing and contributing, where we can using our skills, knowledge and expertise, to the non-profits, such as IWIL and Rotary, in which we’re involved.

I love fall in the US (that’s Autumn for the folks back home) and there’s no sense of slowing down ahead of Thanksgiving and Christmas, in fact September was our busiest month this year, after June.

What this time of year does though is provide an  opportunity to reflect and plan. We’re evaluating the past nine months, reviewing our own business, budget and PR for the year ahead and many of our clients will be doing the same. We work closely with our clients on their PR and marketing plans to align with their business development and growth goals, which is so important when it comes to evaluation and results. We pride ourselves on providing sustained and strategic advice and we’re also always working to improve standards for the PR and media industry as a whole.